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2018 Beta edition

(see pricing below)

Welcome to the Fit For Photos™

Transformation Program

Hey! I’m Bob Griffiths and I’m excited to offer the 9 Week Fit For Photos™ Transformation Program where we help real people like you achieve amazing transformations, inside and out.
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a long sales letter, or a hard sales pitch with outrageous claims. As you can see from the pictures on this page, and the Facebook testimonials below, this system works, plain and simple. If you follow this 9 Week fat loss system as outlined, you will look and feel great and strong at the end of the program.

In 9 Weeks You’ll Get A Better Body Than You’ve Ever Had Before

That’s the honest truth. This is a no fluff, no excuses program. I’ve been in the fitness industry for nearly five years, so I’ve seen exactly what works and what doesn’t — and I’ve dedicated myself to the finding quickest, effective fat loss transformation program that I know of. And I don’t deal well with excuse makers. So if you’re someone who doesn’t want to work hard, or if you make excuses for why you missed a workout, then this just isn’t for you. And if you don’t want to transform your body and your life, then this isn’t for you either.
If you are ready to work hard to make a life-changing transformation, read on!

So here’s my story…

In 2008, while I watching the Beijing Olympics, a spark was re-ignited. I wanted to sprint again.  It had been years since I’d really competed and although I had been somewhat active playing over-40 basketball, I felt the track was calling me.  After some research, I learned that there was Masters Track and Field and for those older than 50, there was also the Senior Games. The pic on your right is of me when I qualified for the first time at the 2011 CA Senior Games.
But as you can tell, I a little on the heavy side… And I was.  Probably 35 lbs overweight and my BMI would have categorized me as nearly obese.  And while BMI isn’t as fitting for athletes, I could tell I could lose some weight.
I was also not that confident as a wellness/fitness professional.  How could I compete and yet not be in my best shape and beaming confidence?
That’s where the Fit for Photos program comes in.  Once I put into practice the meal plan principles and did the workouts, I started to change.  I could feel my energy levels soaring.  I started to feel lighter on the track and most of all, I started to exude the magnetic confidence I’d always wanted to.

Transforming my body has changed me inside and out. And I want to give you that same opportunity.

I’m Ready to Coach YOU to Achieve Your Own Amazing Transformation

I’ve opened up my next round of the

9 Week Fit For Photos™ Transformation Program and I want YOU to be a part of it.

We start on January 15, 2018

Follow our simple 9 Week blueprint step by step and you’ll see quick results, just like this participant:

Meet Jodi

A mom of 3

“I finally got my abs”

Think You’re Up For the Fit For Photos™ Transformation Program?

Here’s What’s Required From You.

Commit to the full 9 weeks with NO EXCUSES.

Follow the Fit For Photos™ Meal Plan

Work out daily, sometimes more than once a day

Keep a daily food and workout journal (we’ll provide the platform)

Share weekly progress photos with me

Keep at it when it gets tough — my team and I are here to support you!

Book a professional photo shoot for the end of the program

Allow me to use your photos to demonstrate the amazing results you achieved by following Fit For Photos™

Participate in our private Facebook group for those enrolled in the 9-Week Transformation Program

Meet Debbie

A 63 year-old grandmother of 6

“I slimmed down to a size 4 for the first time in my life”

Meet Nicci

Went From A Size 12 To 6

“I went from being flabby and overweight to having muscles and definition”

You Might Be Wondering; “Why You Should Do A Photo Shoot?”

Well I can tell you a couple of reasons…

First of all, it’s a great motivator. There’s nothing like having a scheduled professional shoot to keep you on track and working hard on your training and diet program.

Also, the photo shoot is not just part of the program.

It’s a reward to yourself to show off your dedication and your new body that you should and will be really proud of.

Your pictures will capture how strong, dedicated and persistent you are. When you’re done with your photo shoot, you’ll have photos that not only document your hard work and results, but also remind you what you are capable of.

I’ll be up-front right now — it’s not easy. However, if you follow our system that we outline for you step by step, then we guarantee your results. And you’ll have me and my team coaching you every step of the way. Plus you’ll look and feel beautiful at the end for a professional photo shoot.

Here are a Few More of the Men and Women Who Have Transformed Their Bodies and Their Lives By Completing the Fit For Photos™ 9-Week Transformation Program.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Register for Fit For Photos™

You’ll get a full 9 weeks of fat burning workouts that will also have you building lean sexy muscle at the same time. These workouts are designed for you to transform your body quickly and include the latest cutting edge scientifically proven training techniques to lose fat rapidly. (Value: $197)
Private Support Group
This may be THE key in determining whether or not you succeed in the Fit For Photos™ program. We’ll invite you to our private support Facebook group, exclusively for other women doing the 12-Weeks Premium Coaching Program along with you. I’ll be there to coach you and answer your questions daily. (Value: $999)


30 Minute Phone Call With Your Coach**
It’s important that we customize the program based on your needs, fitness level and likes. We’ll get on the phone at the beginning of the program for 30 minutes to customize and personalize the program for you and only you. (Value: $250)
Meal Plans
You’ll receive the Fit For Photos™ Fat-Burning Meal Plan, including lists of approved foods and sample meals. This includes the exact Carb Rotation protocol to help you melt fat even faster. (Value: $97)
Food and Workout Journal
Accountability may be the #1 factor between being successful on a fat loss program and failing on one. We’ll provide you with an online food and workout journal platform, with personalized feedback to help you stay on track with your meals and exercise. (Value: $197)
Weekly Skype office hours**
You get 24/7 access to me as I will be your own personal fitness transformation coach. Using brand new state of the art technology, you can record audio questions for your coach 24 hours a day and I will reply with a personal audio just for you, within 1 business day. I’ll work with you hand in hand throughout your entire transformation. We’ll also have weekly Skype office hours where you can ask me your questions during our exclusive private chat sessions. (Value: $999)
Recipe Book
Trying to figure out what to eat so you don’t get bored with your meals? Or maybe you just need some quick and simple recipes to follow. No problem, we’ve got you covered with our Fit For Photos™ Recipes, included in the program. (Value: $67)
Video Library
Sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly how to do an exercise just by seeing pictures of them. So I personally filmed each exercise so you’ll be able to watch the videos online and know how to perform the movement. (Value: $47)
3 Months of Follow-up Online Programming
Once you’ve completed the 63-day Transformation Program, stay on track with personalized fitness programming. You’ll get workouts and coaching delivered to your inbox that help keep you on track.  You’ll receive our 40-day Mindset Reboot so you can apply your success to other areas of your life.  You’ll discover how to form new habits, how to perform radical self love, how to prioritize your time to ensure you complete any goal you set. You’ll also develop a morning routine that will decrease your stress, increase your energy and set you up for an amazing day. (Value: $197)

A Total Value of $3050

So, what’s my investment?

So you’re probably wondering how much of an investment you’ll be making to join this program.

HERE’S THE SCOOP: A typical 1-on-1 personal training session is roughly $65.

So if you wanted to work with a trainer 3 days a week for 9 weeks, you’d be paying $1,755. And you typically don’t hear from them unless unless you’re working out together.

In this program, you’ll have access to me and my team in the Facebook support group and via email to ask me questions on a daily basis. I’ll also provide one-on-one coaching with regular Skype “office hours.”

Because you get answers to your questions each and every day, along with designing the workouts and diet and keep you motivated, you can see this program takes hours of my time each daydaily.

It is a highly supportive and engaging program. I consider it the most supportive fitness program on the planet.

Instead of paying $1,755 to work with a trainer 3 days a week, you get 63 days of coaching, the workouts, meal plan, recipe book, accountability and support for just 3 payments of $167.

That comes out to about 8 bucks a day, which you’re probably already spending on your daily latte and blueberry muffin at Starbucks, right?

Your participation is risk-free

Any feelings of hesitation you may have about investing in a new program are completely normal!

This is why we’ve decided to put all of the risk on us. You have 9 weeks to go through the entire program risk-free.

Yes that’s right. We know that Fit For Photos™ works if you work it — so if you complete the entire program and believe we did not deliver what we promised, we’ll refund your money, minus a $197 fee for the program materials.*

We offer this risk-free guarantee because we’re looking for serious and committed members only. We take our coaching program seriously and maintain a very high standard of positivity, encouragement, and support for inspired action-takers who are serious about their health and improving their lives.

Important: Refund requests must be submitted within 3 days after completion of the program. In order to be eligible for a refund, you must have completed daily food and workout logs as directed, and you must have submitted weekly progress photos as directed. This means you must take action in this program. We know that if you take action and follow Fit For Photos™ step by step, you’ll get results.

*Offer available to first-time members only.

Ready to Change Your Life?
I Look Forward To Working With You!

We Have 3 Options To Choose From — Just Pick The One That Best Suits Your Needs

Start Your Journey Today.

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